Lake Michigan College Daily Class Attendance Form
Thursday, 4/25/2024


Log in with your e-mail username and password:



If you have any problems, questions, suggestions or comments, please call the IT help desk at 269-927-8189 or e-mail us at

Why can't I uncheck absent students for my class?

You can change attendance information for a scheduled class only on the day of the class, or until 1:00 PM the day after the class. Attendance for non-scheduled courses can be entered from 5:00 PM on the Friday at the end of the week to 12:00 PM the following Tuesday.

If you miss the deadline, email the attendance information (your name, course number, CRN, date, time of class and list of absent students) to one of the following:

Please make it easier on yourself (and Jennifer and Deb!) and remember to take attendance before the deadline!